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Baby potatoes with herb cream


Baby potatoes with herb cream

I love eating baby potatoes by either roasting or braising them. Although my favourite way is to boil them in salted water especially around this time when they are at their best. Their sweet and moist flesh with popping skin is dangerously moreish. I used to serve them as salad potatoes but ended up eating them before putting them into the salad, so I decided to stop doing this.

I just drop in a spoonful of crème fraiche and then scatter my favourite ingredients on the side of the plate.

Ingredients (serves 2)

Fresh baby potatoes 300g

Capers 2tsp (roughly chopped)

Olive oil 1 ½ tbsp

Crème fraiche 1tbsp

Flaky salt 1pinch

Shallot 2tsp (finely chopped)

Lemon ½ (zest)

Dill 2tsp

  1. Wash the potatoes well and boil them in cold salted water. To enjoy the soft skin pops when you bite into them, keep the potato as a whole.

  2. Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a pan and fry the chopped capers until slightly brown. Spoon the crème fraiche onto the side of a plate and sprinkle salt over the crème fraiche by crushing the grains with your fingers. Sprinkle the rest of the ingredients over and enjoy them with the delicious potatoes.



材料 2人分

新じゃが 300g

ケイパー 大さじ2(軽く刻む)

オリーブ油 大さじ1半

クレムフレッシュ 大さじ1

フレークソルト 1つまみ

シャロット 小さじ2(みじん切り)

レモン 半分(黄色い皮の部分のみ削る)

ディル 小さじ2

  1. イモを良く洗い、海水ほどの塩分を加えた水で茹でる。皮がプチっと弾ける食感を保つ為、イモは切らずに茹でる。

  2. 茹でている間にフライパンにオリーブ油を熱し、刻んだケイパーを入れ、少し色付くまで炒める。スプーンで掬ったクレームフレッシュをお皿の端に落とし、フレークソルトの粒を指で潰すようにクリームの上に振りかける。他の具材も散らして、茹でたイモで掬いながら食べる。


©︎ Meiko Nakayama 2025

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