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Avocado and watercress salad with Sichuan dressing


Avocado salad with Sichuan chilli oil dressing

This dish with the piquant and aromatic Sichuan punch gives you the opportunity to eat plenty of summer vegetables that are tasty and nutritious. The vegetables are dressed with the chilli oil; a big staple of Sichuan cuisine that has a vibrant fragrance and colour, and sweet sour soy sauce, and lastly sprinkled with the crunchy garlic chips and peanuts.

Though the characteristic of Sichuan cuisine is a spicy tongue-numbing sensation which is called “mala”, my recipe for chilli oil has a mild spiciness so that you can enjoy the floral fragrance of Sichuan peppers as well as tasting the other ingredients.

Serve the vegetables completely chilled with a lot of dressing on top.

Ingredients (serves 4)

Medium size avocado 2 (cut into bite-size pieces)

Baby plum tomato 150g (cut into halves)

Watercress a bunch

Fresh coriander according to taste

Roasted peanuts 15g (chop roughly)

Ingredients for the sweet sour soy sauce

Onion 30g (chop finely)

Spring onion 10g (chop the white part finely)

Soy sauce 2 tbsp

Balsamic vinegar 2 tbsp

Sugar 2 tsp

Ingredients for the chilli oil

Vegetable oil 30g

Garlic 3 clove (slice into 2mm thickness)

Onion 60g (chop finely)

The green parts of spring onions 20g (cut into 5cm length)


Chili flakes 1.5 tsp

Ginger 15g (chop finely)

White sesame seed 2 tsp

Sichuan pepper ½ tsp (crushed)


Sesame oil 15g

Soy sauce 1 tsp

Sugar ½ tsp

Salt a pinch

  1. Combine the ingredients of the sweet sour soy sauce and keep it in the fridge for about 1 hour.

  2. Make the chilli oil. Put the vegetable oil and garlic in a pan and fry over a low heat for about 10 minutes without burning it so that you transfer the garlic flavour to the oil. Take the garlic chips out of the oil with a slotted spoon and keep them for the topping.

  3. Fry the onion in the same way. Once they get browned, take them out of the oil and put them aside.

  4. Fry the green parts of the spring onions in the same way. After 10 minutes or so, take them out of the oil and you can discard them.

  5. In a heat-proof bowl, combine the chilli flakes, ginger, white sesame seeds, Sichuan peppers and 5g of the sesame oil. Heat the flavoured oil to 170C, and carefully pour the hot oil into the bowl little by little while stirring it. The oil will sizzle and give off steam when poured into the spices, please make sure not to inhale the steam, it will make you choke.

  6. Once the oil is cooled, stir in the remaining sesame oil, fried onion, soy sauce, sugar and salt.

  7. Plate chilled avocados, tomatoes, watercress and coriander, pour the sweet sour soy sauce and chilli oil over it and sprinkle the garlic chips and peanuts.





材料 4人分

アボカド 2 (一口大に切る)

ミニトマト 150g (縦半分に切る)

クレソン 1束

コリアンダー 1束

ローストピーナッツ 15g (荒く刻む)

材料 醤油ダレ用

玉ねぎ 30g (みじん切り)

ねぎ 10g (白い部分のみ、みじん切り)

醤油 大さじ2

黒酢 大さじ2 (無ければバルサミコ酢や他の酢で代用)

砂糖 小さじ2

材料 ラー油用

サラダ油 30g

ニンニク 3片(2mm厚にスライス)

玉ねぎ 60g (みじん切り)

ネギの緑の部分 20g (5cm長さに切る)


粉唐辛子 小さじ1.5

生姜 15g (みじん切り)

白ごま 小さじ2

花椒 小さじ半 (荒くつぶす)


ごま油 15g

醤油 小さじ1

砂糖 小さじ半

塩 ひとつまみ

  1. ドレッシングの材料を混ぜ合わせて、冷蔵庫で1時間ほど置く。

  2. ラー油を作る。サラダ油とニンニクを鍋に入れて、ニンニクが焦げないように弱火で10分程じっくり揚げて、油に香りを移す。穴あきスプーンでニンニクチップを油から取り出し、盛り付け時のトッピング用にとっておく。

  3. 玉ねぎも同様に揚げる。キツネ色になったら油から取り出し、取っておく。

  4. ネギの青い部分も同様に揚げる。10分ほど経ったらネギを油から取り出し、これは処分して良い。

  5. 耐熱性のあるボールに粉唐辛子、生姜、白ごま、花椒、ごま油5gを入れて、混ぜ合わせる。香りを付けた油を170Cに熱し、ボールの中に少しづつ入れて混ぜる。油を注ぐ時に立ち上がる湯気を吸い込むとむせるので注意してください。

  6. 混ぜ合わせた油の粗熱が取れたら、残りのごま油、揚げた玉ねぎ、醤油、砂糖、塩を加えて混ぜる。

  7. お皿に良く冷えたアボカド、トマト、クレソン、コリアンダーを盛り付けて、冷蔵庫に保存したタレとラー油を上からかけて、ピーナッツとガーリックチップを散らす。

Avocado and watercress salad with Sichuan chilli oil dressing


©︎ Meiko Nakayama 2025

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