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Arroz caldoso con calamares


Arroz caldoso con calamares

As the name literally means, rice (Arroz) is cooked with plenty of broth (Caldoso) packed full of flavour.

In this recipe from Isabel, the broth from calamari and vegetables is lightly thickened with rice and has a very gentle and comforting taste. It will warm you up from the inside of your stomach on a cold day.

Ingredients (serves 2)

Calamari 1 (approximately 250g after removing the intestine and quill. Cut the body into rings and tentacles into the same size.)

Garlic 2 cloves (minced)

Onion 1/2 (diced)

Tomato 1/2 (diced)

Red pepper 1/4 (diced)

Short grain rice 3 tbsp

Olive oil enough to cover the bottom of the pan

Saffron a pinch

Capers 2 tsp

Parsley some (chop finely)

  1. Heat the olive oil in a pan. Fry the garlic, onion, tomato, and pepper over a medium heat until the tomato starts to break down and everything becomes soft.

  2. Add the calamari and cover, then cook for 1 minute.

  3. Pour in just enough water to cover the ingredients, and take out the calamari onto a dish.

  4. Add the rice, saffron, capers, and a pinch of salt. Simmer until the rice is very soft.

  5. Season with salt and pepper, return the calamari to the pan and stir them back into the rice. Serve immediately to enjoy the tender texture of the calamari before they become chewy after over-cooking. Sprinkle the parsley on the top as a final touch.



材料 2人分

烏賊 中 2杯 (約250g、内臓と骨を取り除き、胴体は輪切りにし足も同じ大きさに切る)

にんにく 2片 (みじん切り)

玉ねぎ 1/2 (角切り)

トマト 1/2 (角切り)

赤ピーマン 1/4 (角切り)

お米 大さじ3

オリーブ油 鍋底が覆われるくらい

サフラン 1つまみ

ケイパー 小さじ2

パセリ 少々(みじん切り)

  1. フライパンにオリーブ油を熱し、ニンニク、玉ねぎ、トマト、パプリカを入れ、トマトが崩れ始めて全体がしっとりするまで中火で炒める。

  2. イカを入れて蓋をし、1分ほど加熱する。

  3. 具材が隠れるくらいまで水を加える。この時に、イカは別皿に取り分ける。

  4. お米、サフラン、ケイパーと塩をひとつまみを加え、お米が十分に柔らかくなるまで中火で煮る。

  5. イカを鍋に戻し、塩コショウで味を整える。イカに火が通り過ぎて硬くなる前にサーブする。仕上げにパセリを散らす。


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