Nov 15, 2020
Braised leeks
“リークの煮込み” Nice and sweet, humble leeks will be packed with nutrients during the cold winter. Leeks are so impeccable (I think), but their...

Nov 1, 2020
Leeks vinaigrette
“リークのヴィネグレットマリネ” Budget-friendly all-rounder leeks are very popular and there are so many recipes especially here in the UK, but the...

Aug 14, 2020
Avocado and watercress salad with Sichuan dressing
This dish with the piquant and aromatic Sichuan punch gives you the opportunity to eat plenty of summer vegetables that are tasty and nutrit

Jul 19, 2020
Curry spiced lentil and aubergine
The 2nd recipe of my beans series is fried lentils with spices. The lentils are put together with slightly munchy grilled aubergine and cara

Jul 4, 2020
Baked fata cheese and courgette salad with tomato agrodolce
“フェタチーズとズッキーニのサラダ、トマトのアグロドルチェ” Baked feta cheese and slightly softened courgette are dressed with chilli accented sweet-sour tomato...

Jun 29, 2020
Balsamic pearl barley with crispy kale and prosciutto salad
“プチプチ大麦とカリカリケールとプロシュートのサラダ” Enticingly chewy boiled barley and lightly oven cooked crispy kale and prosciutto give a fun mouthfeel to the...

Jun 17, 2020
Roasted vegetable Gazpacho
“ロースト野菜のガスパチョ” Traditionally uncooked vegetables are used to make Gazpacho, although I prefer using roasted vegetables that have an...

May 31, 2020
Soupe au pistou
“野菜スープとピストーソース” Throw all the vegetables you have into a pot and sauté them with olive oil until they are nicely sweated down. ...

Mar 31, 2020
Green beans and roasted almond salad with anchovy mustard dressing
“インゲンとローストアーモンドのサラダ、アンチョビ マスタード ドレッシング” Green beans are lightly boiled to maintain the fresh flavour, they are then combined with roasted...