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Meiko Nakayama

recipes / food / London / ロンドン / 料理



Sesame Crusted Mackerel

Ingredients (serves 2)

Mackerel   2 fillets (cut into bite size)

Flour   2 tablespoon

Egg white   1

Sesame seeds

Vegetable oil   1 tablespoon

Lemon   1/4



Soy sauce   2 tablespoon

Sake   1 tablespoon

Mirin   2 tablespoon

Grated ginger   1 teaspoon

Grated garlic   1 teaspoon

  1. Combine the ingredients of the marinade. Marinate the mackerel for 10 minutes.

  2. Pat the mackerel with kitchen paper. Coat with flour, egg white and then sesame.

  3. Heat oil in a pan and cook the mackerel on the skin side first over medium heat until the sesame seeds crisp up on both sides. Serve with lemon.

“イタリア風 豚バラ肉のローストと豆の煮込み”

Italian style roast pork belly

This is a recipe I combined two of the pork belly dishes that I love; British roast pork with snappy crackling and Italian Porchetta infused with garlic, fennel, lemon zest and chilli. The cannellini beans and cavolo nero accompany the Italian-style seasoned pork. The slightly broken beans and the cooking liquid of cavolo nero add a hearty sauce to the dish.

The beauty of British roast pork belly is the tender and moist meat, and most importantly the crispy crackling that breaks easily (not like a piece of plastic that stabs inside of your mouth!) Like many home cooks in the UK, I am also obsessed with mastering the perfect roast pork dish. After several trials and errors, I found that the secret to success is drying the skin overnight and slow-cooking the meat, whilst being submerged in stock to retain the moisture.

For the traditional Porchetta in Italy, the pork belly is marinated with herbs and roasted in a roll shape. Italian people slice it thinly and often serve it in warm bread. Since I had it for the first time in Assisi in the Umbria region, I got hooked on its herby spice, and back in London munching on a Porchetta sandwich became my habit every time I went shopping at the Italian delicatessen. And eventually, I started to make my own and this is the recipe I finally put together after many attempts.

It takes time and effort, but I think the time of preparation and anticipation of the dish is a joy and perk of home cooking.

Italian style roast pork belly

Ingredients (serves 4)

A slab of pork belly 1000g (with skin)

Olive oil 1 tbsp

White wine 200ml

Chicken stock 300ml

For the pork seasoning:

Rosemary 1 sprig (chopped finely)

Thyme 2 sprigs (leaves picked)

Garlic 3 cloves (chopped finely)

Fennel seeds 1.5 tsp(crushed)

Chilli flakes 1/4 tsp

Lemon 1/3 (zest shaved)

Flaky sea salt 1.5 tsp

Black pepper 1/4 tsp

For the beans:

Dried cannellini beans 200g

Garlic 2 cloves (crushed)

Sage 2 leaves

Cavolo nero, Tuscan kale 1bunch, 200g (tear off bite-size pieces away from the stem)

Oregano 1 tsp

Chilli flakes 1/3 tsp

White wine 150ml

Extra virgin olive oil to serve

Salt and pepper to taste

  1. On the day before, prepare the meat and the beans. Pat dry the surface of the meat with kitchen paper and place it skin side down on a plate. Combine all the ingredients for the pork seasoning and rub it onto the meat except for the skin. Flip the meat skin side up and leave it in the fridge uncovered overnight to dry the skin.

  2. Soak the beans with plenty of water and leave them overnight as well.

  3. Next day, preheat the oven to 250℃. Get a baking tray which is about 5cm deep and rub one tablespoon of olive oil on the bottom of the tray. Place the meat skin side up on the tray and carefully rub the side of the meat with the olive oil without touching the skin. Sprinkle flaky salt on the skin and put it in the middle rack of the preheated oven and cook for 10 minutes.

  4. After 10 minutes, reduce the heat to 160℃ and move the meat tray to the bottom rack. Put the white wine and chicken stock in a jug together, and pour in from the side of the tray without wetting the skin. Make sure the meat is submerged in the liquid up to below the skin, add water if the liquid is not enough. Continue cooking for about 5 hours, and pour more water if the liquid has gone down.

  5. Drain the beans from the soaking water and put in a pot with a lid with crushed garlic, sage leaves, 650ml of water and a pinch of salt. Bring to a boil skimming the foam off the top. Once boiled, put the lid on and place it on the top rack of the oven. Cook for about 3 hours. When the beans become soft, take the pot out of the oven and leave it aside.

  6. After 5 hours have passed, check if the meat is soft by stabbing it with a fork. If not, continue cooking longer and check every 30 minutes. When the meat is soft, change the oven setting to a medium heat grill (160℃) and move the meat tray to the furthest possible position from the heat source (ideally 30cm away). Grill for about 5 minutes keeping your eye on it, as it gets burned easily! When the whole skin is puffed up, take the tray out of the oven and leave it to rest in the liquid. At this point, scope up eight tablespoons of the liquid to add to the beans from the side of the tray avoiding the fat.

  7. While resting the meat, start cooking the cavolo nero. Put the rest of the ingredients for the beans on a pan and cook over a medium heat. When the cavolo nero is wilted, add the stock reserved from the meat tray and the beans with all the cooking liquid. Turn the heat high to thicken the liquid. If too runny, squash a few beans to adjust the level of thickness. Remove the sage and garlic and season with salt and pepper to taste.

  8. Dish up the beans on a plate and drizzle extra virgin olive oil. Serve with a chunky slice of pork. When slicing the meat, it will be difficult to cut the crackling without breaking it into pieces. To prevent this, use a bread knife and move gently to cut through the crackling, then change to a normal knife to cut through the meat.

The pork umami oozed stock left on the tray is too good to throw it away. Transfer it to a container and chill in a fridge to remove the excess fat coagulating on the top.

On the next day, I made a soup by adding chopped cavolo nero’s stems, pearl barley and left-over vegetables such as baby potato, carrot, onion, etc.

“イタリア風 豚バラ肉のローストと豆の煮込み”





材料 4人分

豚バラ塊 1000g (皮付き)

オリーブオイル 大さじ1

白ワイン 200ml

チキンストック 300ml


ローズマリー 1本(みじん切り)

タイム 2本 (葉を枝から摘む)

にんにく 3片(みじん切り)

フェネルシード 小さじ1.5 (潰す)

チリフレーク 小さじ1/4

レモン 1/3 (皮を削る)

粗塩 小さじ1.5

黒胡椒 小さじ1/4


乾燥カネリーニなどの白豆 200g

にんにく 2 片 (潰す)

セージ 2枚

カボロネロ(トスカーナケール)200g (葉を茎から外し一口サイズにちぎる)

オレガノ 小さじ1

チリフレーク 小さじ1/3

白ワイン 150ml

エクストラバージン オリーブオイル 仕上げ用に少々

塩胡椒 少々

  1. 前日に肉と豆を準備する。肉は表面の水気をキッチンペーパーで拭き、皮目を下にしてお皿に置く。赤み部分にマリネの材料を全て混ぜ合わせたものを刷り込み、皮目を上にひっくり返す。何も被さずにそのまま冷蔵庫に入れ、皮目を一晩乾かす。

  2. 豆はたっぷりの水につけて置く。

  3. 翌日、オーブンを250Cに温める。5cm程の高さのある中サイズのオーブントレイを用意し、オリーブオイル大さじ1をトレイの底に広げる。皮目を上にして肉をトレイに移す。皮目は濡らさない様に注意して、肉の横断面にもオリーブオイルを塗り、皮目に塩ひとつまみをまぶす。十分に熱くなったオーブン中段に肉を入れ、10分焼く。

  4. オーブンの温度を160度に下げ、肉の入ったトレイを下段に移す。ワイン、チキンストックをジャグの中に混ぜ合わせ、皮を濡らさない様にトレイの横から注ぐ。皮目の下まで肉が浸かる様に水を更に加える。更に5時間ほど焼き、途中トレイの中の水分が少なくなったら水を注ぎ足す。

  5. 豆はつけて置いた水を捨て、蓋のついた耐熱鍋に豆、にんにく、セージの葉、水650mlと塩ひとつまみを入れる。鍋を火にかけて浮いてきたアクを取り除く。沸騰したら蓋をし、肉の入ったオーブン上段で3時間半ほど加熱する。豆が十分に柔らかくなったらオーブンから取り出す。

  6. 5時間半ほど経ち、肉をフォークで刺せるくらい十分にやわらくなったら、オーブンの設定をグリル160度に切り替えて、下段(熱源から30cm離れた位置)で5分程焼く。焦がさない様に注意し目を離さない。皮全体が膨れたら、トレイをオーブンから取り出して肉がストックに浸かったまま何も被せずに30分ほど休ませる。この時、ケールの味付け様にトレイにある肉の焼き汁を表面の油を避けながら、スプーンで大さじ8を救っておく。

  7. 肉を休ませている間にケールを調理する。フライパンに残りの豆の材料を入れて中火にかける。ケールがしんなりしてきたら、とっておいた肉の焼き汁と豆を煮汁ごと加える。強火にして煮詰めてトロミを出す。トロミが足りなかったら2、3粒豆を鍋底で潰してトロミを出す。セージとニンニクは取り出して、塩コショウで味を整える。

  8. 豆を皿に盛り、上からオリーブオイルを少量まわしかけ、切り分けたローストポークと一緒にサーブする。



“キャベツと牛肉のステーキ、ナムチムジェウ ソース”

Cabbage and beef steak with Nam Jim Jaew

This recipe was inspired by a dish my Thai friend introduced when she took me to one of her favourite restaurants in London, Greyhound café. The original dish is called Crying Tiger, composed of beef steak grilled after marinating, and its catchy name comes from the accompanying chilli sauce; Nam Jim Jaew, so spicy that makes even a tiger cry.

Nam Jim Jaew is often served with grilled meat or fish, typically accompanied by steamed sticky rice and fresh raw vegetables like cabbage, cucumber and green beans.

Crunchy raw cabbage is refreshing, but the nuttiness and sweetness are highlighted when grilled golden, and its character is brought out as strongly as the beef. The sweetness from the cabbage, the spiciness and tanginess from Nam Jim Jaew add a moreish sensation to the umami-loaded beef.

In this recipe, the sauce is not too spicy. Please adjust the amount of chilli depending on how spicy you like.

Ingredients (serves 2)

Sirloin steak 300g (or any other steak cut you prefer)

Oyster sauce 2tbsp

Fish sauce 1tbsp

Vegetable oil 2tbsp

Pointed cabbage 1

Olive oil 3tbsp

For Nam Jim Jaew

Shallot 30g (chopped)

Spring onion 1 (use green part as well. chopped)

Dry chilli powder 1tbsp

Fish sauce 1tbsp

Brown sugar 1tbsp

Lime half (juice)

Khao Khua, roasted rice powder 1tbsp

  1. If the steak cut comes with sinew (white membrane) attached, remove it from the flesh with a knife. Stab the meat with folk all over so the marinade permeates the meat. Rub the meat with oyster sauce and fish sauce and allow it to marinate for at least 30 minutes at room temperature. If you won't cook it immediately, keep it in a fridge and bring it to room temperature before cooking the meat.

  2. Preheat the oven to 210℃. Cut the cabbage into eight wedges with the core attached. Place them on an oven tray and coat them evenly with olive oil and a pinch of salt. Cook them on the middle rack of the oven for about 25 to 30 minutes until a fork can pierce the core without resistance. If the cabbage starts to burn too quickly, turn the oven to 180℃ and continue cooking until softened.

  3. Heat the vegetable oil on a pan over a high heat. When a thin haze starts appearing from the oil, remove the excess sauce on the meat and cook for 2 to 3 minutes on each side until cooked to your liking. For a medium rare, the core temperature is to be 55℃. If the steak starts to burn before reaching the desired temperature, continue cooking in the oven, flipping the steak every 2 minutes. Before slicing, cover with foil and let rest for 20 minutes.

  4. Mix all ingredients of Nam Jim Jaew well. Add the juice flowing out from the rested steak to the sauce. Taste the seasoning and add water if the sauce is too thick. Pour the sauce over the sliced steak and cabbage to serve.

Cabbage and beef steak with Nam Jim Jaew

“キャベツと牛肉のステーキ、ナムチムジェウ ソース”

タイからの友人と彼女おすすめのロンドンのレストラン、Greyhound cafeで教えてもらったクライングタイガーと言う料理から発想した一皿。




材料 2人分

サーロイン 300g (ステーキ用ならほかの部位でも良い)

オイスターソース 大さじ2

ナンプラー 大さじ1

サラダ油 大さじ2

キャベツ 1

オリーブオイル 大さじ2

ナムチムジェウ ソース

シャロット 30g (みじん切り)

ねぎ 1/3本 (緑の部分も使い、みじん切り)

チリパウダー 大さじ1

ナンプラー 大さじ1

ブラウンシュガー 大さじ1

ライム 半分 (しぼり汁)

カオクア、煎った米粉 大さじ1

  1. ステーキ肉に筋(白い膜)が付いていれば、ナイフで取り除く。味が染み込むようにフォークで肉全体を刺す。オイスターソース、ナンプラーを塗り込み、室温で少なくとも30分はマリネする。肉を直ぐに調理しない場合は冷蔵庫で保管し、焼く前に室温に戻す。

  2. オーブンを210℃に温める。キャベツは芯がついたまま8つのクシ切りにする。オーブントレイにのせ、オリーブオイルと塩一つまみをまぶし、全体にまとわせる。オーブンの中段に入れ、フォークで芯の部分をスッとさせるくらいになるまで25〜30分程焼く。キャベツが早く焦げてしまう場合は、温度を180℃ に下げて柔らかくなるまで焼く。

  3. フライパンにサラダ油を熱する。うっすら油から煙が見えてきたら、余分なタレを削いで肉を両面2〜3分程、好みの加減まで焼く。ミディアムレアであれば内部温度が55℃すればOK。肉が焦げすぎてしまう場合は、内部温度が到達するまで毎2分ひっくり返しながらオーブンで焼く。肉は皿に移しフォイルで覆って必ずスライスする前に20分程休ませる。

  4. ナムチムジェウの材料をよく混ぜる。肉から出る肉汁もソースに加える。味見をし、必要であれば水を少し加えて濃さを調整する。ソースをキャベツとスライスした肉の上にかける。

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