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Meiko Nakayama

recipes / food / London / ロンドン / 料理



Japanesy Mezze

I recently visited Persepolis, the amazing Persian grocery store in Peckham, and got inspired to create my own Japanesy version of Mezze!

Though it may seem intricate, it's mostly just chopping and mixing. I started with the cucumber pickles and grilling aubergine for the baba ghanoush. For a head start, you can prep everything except the grilled feta cheese the day before.

All recipes serve 4.

a. Grilled feta cheese with plum in wasabi dressing

Feta cheese   200g

Sesame seed

Olive oil   1 tablespoon

Honey   1 tablespoon


Plum   2

Cooked beetroot   2

Olive oil   1 tablespoon

Wasabi   2 teaspoon

Sushi vinegar   1 tablespoon

Lemon juice   ½ tablespoon and zest for garnish

Salt and pepper to taste

  1. Cut the beetroots and plums, toss them with the dressing, and chill in the fridge.

  2. Place the feta cheese on a baking tray lined with baking paper, and sprinkle sesame seeds all over the surface. Drizzle with olive oil and honey, and grill until golden brown. Finally, drizzle a little more honey and lemon juice over the feta cheese. Serve the warm feta cheese with the chilled salad.

Miso Baba Ghanoush, Sunomono

b. Miso Baba Ghanoush

Aubergine   2

Olive oil   4 tablespoon

Spring onion   8

Garlic   1 clove

Red miso   1 tablespoon

Mirin   2 tablespoon

Tahini paste   2 tablespoon

Lemon juice    2 tablespoon

Japanese Shichimi chilli powder   a pinch

  1. Poke several holes all over the aubergines with a fork (this prevents them from exploding while grilling). Place the aubergines on a foil-lined baking tray and grill on high heat. Turn them over once the surface is charred black. Grill for about 30 minutes until the entire surface is charred and the aubergines are soft enough to be easily pierced with a toothpick. Once done, wrap the aubergines in the foil and let them cool.

  2. Make a lengthwise cut in the aubergines and scoop out the insides with a spoon. Transfer the insides to a fine-mesh sieve to drain excess moisture. Discard the charred skin.

  3. Heat olive oil in a frying pan and sauté the spring onions over low heat until they are golden brown. Turn off the heat and mix in the miso and mirin.

  4. Blend the aubergines and the remaining ingredients in a blender to a coarse paste. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

c. Amazu Pickled Cucumber

Amazu, which means 'sweet vinegar' in Japanese, is commonly used in Japanese pickles.

Cucumber   Half

Ginger   3 thin slices

Dill   A small amount

Kombu   About 7cm sized sheet

Japanese Takano Tsume Chili   2 slices

Sugar   1 teaspoon

Sushi vinegar   80 ml

Water   200 ml

Salt   A pinch

  1. Slice the cucumber thinly with a peeler, sprinkle a little salt, and let sit for about 5 minutes. Once wilted, rinse with water and drain.

  2. Mix the remaining ingredients and marinate the cucumber. Store in the refrigerator.

Edamame Tabbouleh

d. Edamame Tabbouleh

Bulgur/quinoa   3 tablespoon(I use mixed Bulgur with quinoa)

Boiled Edamame   150g

Sugar snap   50g (chopped thinly)

Curled parsley   a handful(chopped finely)

Spring onion    4 (chopped thinly)

Ginger   1 teaspoon(chopped thinly)

Say sauce   2 tablespoon

Yuzu juice   2 tablespoon

Honey   1.5 teaspoon

Salt and pepper   to taste

  1. Prepare the bulgur according to the package instructions.

  2. Mix with the rest of the ingredients.


Roast Chicken with Layered Potato

An easy traybake delight where potatoes absorb the savoury juices from the chicken while becoming perfectly crisp on top.

Ingredients (serves 2)

Chicken leg 2

White wine 3tbs

Rosemary  1 sprig

Thyme   3 sprigs

Sage   3 leaves

Bay leaf   1

Garlic   1 clove

Potato   2

Onion   1

Olive oil    2tbs

Chicken stock   200ml

  1. Pat the surface of the chicken legs dry with a paper towel. Season the chicken with salt and pepper, and thoroughly rub in chopped fresh herbs, crushed garlic, and white wine. Marinate in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour, preferably overnight.

  2. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Use a slicer to cut the potatoes into thin slices, about 1mm thick. Rinse the sliced potatoes in water to remove the starch, then drain them in a colander.

  3. On an oven tray, sprinkle salt and pepper over the potatoes and onions, spreading them evenly. Place the chicken on top. Drizzle olive oil over the potatoes and chicken, then pour in the stock.

  4. Bake in the oven for about 40 minutes.

Roast Chicken with Layered Potato




材料 2人分

鳥腿   2本

白ワイン 大さじ3

ローズマリー  1本

タイム   3本

セージ   3枚

ベイリーフ   1枚

にんにく   1片

じゃがいも   2個

玉ねぎ   1個

オリーブオイル 大さじ2

チキンストック 200ml

  1. 鶏モモ肉の表面の水分をペーパータオルで拭き取る。鶏肉に塩胡椒を振り、刻んだ生ハーブ、潰したニンニク、白ワインを良く揉み込む。1時間から、出来れば一晩冷蔵庫でマリネする。

  2. オーブンを180度に温める。スライサーでじゃがいもを1mm厚ほどに薄く切る。切ったじゃがいもは水につけて澱粉をとり、ザルに空けて水気を切る。

  3. オーブントレーの上でじゃがいも、玉ねぎに塩胡椒をふり、トレーに平く広げて、上にチキンをのせる。いもと鶏肉全体にオリーブオイルをまわし掛けて、ストックを注ぐ。

  4. オーブンで40分程焼く。


Aubergine Pepper Agrodolce

Sweet and Sour Italian Marinade. I like pairing this chilled marinade with meat dishes in summer.

Ingredients (serves 2)

Aubergine   1

Red bell pepper  1

Thyme   2sprigs

Bay   1leaf

Olive oil   2tbs


Agrodolce dressing

Green olive   2 spoon full

Sugar  1.5tbs

White wine vinegar 2tbs

Chilli   1pinch

Salt   1pinch

  1. Slice the aubergine into rounds, sprinkle salt over them, and let them sit for 10 minutes. Wipe off the moisture that appears on the surface with a paper towel.

  2. Preheat the oven to 220°C. On a tray lined with parchment paper, coat the aubergine, bell peppers, and thyme with olive oil, and bake in the oven for 20 minutes.

  3. Mix the dressing ingredients. Once the vegetables become tender, remove the tray from the oven and drizzle the dressing over them while still hot. Once cooled to room temperature, refrigerate.




材料 2人分

茄子   1本(大きいもの、日本の小さい茄子なら3本ほど)

パプリカ  1

タイム   2本

ベイリーフ   1枚

オリーブオイル   大さじ2


アグロドルチェ ドレッシング

グリーンオリーブ   大さじ2

砂糖 大さじ1.5

白ワインビネガー 大さじ2

チリフレーク   1つまみ

塩   1つまみ

  1. 茄子を輪切りに切って、全体に塩を振り、10分間放置く。表面に出てくる水気をキッチンペーパーで拭き取る。

  2. オーブンを220度に温める。オーブンペーパーを引いたトレイにオリーブオイル、茄子、パプリカ、タイムを全体に馴染ませて、オーブンで20分焼く。

  3. ドレッシングの材料を混ぜておく。野菜が柔らかくなったら、オーブンからトレーを取り出し、熱いうちに上からドレッシングを周しかける。粗熱が取れたら冷蔵庫で冷やす。

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