I left my house in London at 3 a.m. and arrived at Isabel's house in Asturias, northern Spain, at 11 a.m.
She had already started preparing lunch in the kitchen while chatting with her sister. I was starving and couldn't possibly wait for their lunch, which usually starts around 3 p.m. Noticing this, she quickly brought out something from the fridge.
Jamón serrano, Manchego cheese, and well-chilled gazpacho. I dipped the accompanying bread into the gazpacho, intending to just have a little taste, but it was so delicious that I went for a second helping.
Since it was so tasty, I asked for the gazpacho recipe, and she said, 'The key to making it delicious is the right proportions, but I always eyeball it, so the amount in the (pictured) bowl is just about right.' Hope this helps.
Ripe tomato 1kg
Cucumber 15cm long (peeled)
Red pepper 1
A day-old bread 10cm long
Garlic 2cloves
Extra virgin olive oil 1cup/230ml
Modena balsamic vinegar 3 tablespoon
Soak the bread in water to soften it.
Roughly chop the vegetables and blend all the ingredients. Add a pinch of salt.
Pour into a jug, chill in the fridge, and mix well just before serving.
完熟トマト 1kg
きゅうり 長さ15cm (皮を剥く)
赤ピーマン 1
1日経ったバゲット 長さ10cm
ニンニク 2片
エキストラバージンオリーブオイル 1cup/230ml
Modena産バルサミックビネガー 大さじ3