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Meiko Nakayama

recipes / food / London / ロンドン / 料理



Classic Gazpacho

I left my house in London at 3 a.m. and arrived at Isabel's house in Asturias, northern Spain, at 11 a.m.

She had already started preparing lunch in the kitchen while chatting with her sister. I was starving and couldn't possibly wait for their lunch, which usually starts around 3 p.m. Noticing this, she quickly brought out something from the fridge.

Jamón serrano, Manchego cheese, and well-chilled gazpacho. I dipped the accompanying bread into the gazpacho, intending to just have a little taste, but it was so delicious that I went for a second helping.

Since it was so tasty, I asked for the gazpacho recipe, and she said, 'The key to making it delicious is the right proportions, but I always eyeball it, so the amount in the (pictured) bowl is just about right.' Hope this helps.

Classic Gazpacho


Ripe tomato   1kg

Cucumber   15cm long (peeled)

Red pepper   1

A day-old bread   10cm long

Garlic   2cloves

Extra virgin olive oil   1cup/230ml

Modena balsamic vinegar   3 tablespoon

  1. Soak the bread in water to soften it.

  2. Roughly chop the vegetables and blend all the ingredients. Add a pinch of salt.

  3. Pour into a jug, chill in the fridge, and mix well just before serving.







完熟トマト   1kg

きゅうり   長さ15cm (皮を剥く)

赤ピーマン   1

1日経ったバゲット   長さ10cm

ニンニク   2片

エキストラバージンオリーブオイル   1cup/230ml

Modena産バルサミックビネガー   大さじ3

  1. パンは水に浸けて柔らかくする。

  2. 野菜は荒く刻んで、全ての材料をブレンダーにかける。塩ひとつまみを加える。

  3. ジャグに注いで冷蔵庫で冷やしておき、飲む直前に良く混ぜる。

“山羊チーズとズッキーニのロール / キウイとセロリのサラダ”

Goat cheese courgette rolls, Kiwi and celery salad

"Goat cheese courgette rolls"

Ingredients (serves 2)

Courgette   1

Soft goat cheese   50g

Sundried tomatoes in oil   3

Rosemary   (soft young sprigs)

Roasted pecans   a handful

Honey   2tbsp

  1. Slice the courgette thinly, about 2mm thick, lengthwise. Arrange the slices on a plate without overlapping, sprinkle with salt, and let them sit for about 30 minutes. Once the moisture has been drawn out and the courgette is sufficiently wilted, pat dry with a paper towel.

  2. Tear the dried tomatoes into bite-sized pieces. Wrap the courgette slices around the dried tomatoes and cheese, securing them with toothpicks. Drizzle with nuts, fresh rosemary sprigs, and honey on top.

"Kiwi and celery salad"

Ingredients (serves 2)

Kiwi   2

Celery  100g (including leaves)

Caraway seeds   1/2tsp

Lemon juice   1/2

Honey   1/2tbsp

Extra virgin olive oil   1tbsp

Parmesan cheese   to taste

  1. Slice the celery as thinly as possible, sprinkle with a pinch of salt, and let it sit for about 20 minutes. Once the celery becomes tender, lightly rinse it with water and squeeze out the excess moisture.

  2. Slice the kiwi thinly, about 2mm thick.

  3. In a bowl, mix caraway seeds, lemon juice, olive oil, honey, and a little salt and pepper to make the dressing. Toss the kiwi and celery with the dressing and grate Parmesan cheese on top.



ズッキーニ   1

ソフト山羊チーズ   50g

サンドライトマトのオイル漬け   3

ローズマリー   (柔らかい新芽)

ロースト ピーカンナッツ   一握り

ハチミツ   大さじ2

  1. ズッキーニは縦に2ミリほど薄くスライスする。お皿に重ならないように並べて、塩を振り、30分ほど置く。水分が出てきて、ズッキーニーが十分にシナるようになったら、キッチンペーパーで水気を拭き取る。

  2. ドライトマトを一口サイズにちぎり、チーズと一緒にズッキーニで巻いて、爪楊枝で止める。上からナッツ、ルーズマリーの新芽、ハチミツをかける。



キウイ   2

セロリ  100g (葉の部分も含める)

キャラウェイ   大さじ半

レモン汁   半分

ハチミツ   大さじ半

Exバージンオリーブオイル   大さじ1

パルメザンチーズ   少々

  1. セロリは極力薄くスライスし、塩1つまみをまぶし、20分ほどおく。セロリがしんなりしたら、水で軽く濯ぎ、水気をぎゅっと絞る。

  2. キウイも2ミリほどに薄くスライスする。

  3. ボールにキャラウェイ、レモン汁、オリーブオイル、ハチミツ、塩胡椒少々を混ぜて、ドレッシングを作る。キウイ、セロリにドレッシングをあえて、上からパルメザンを削る。


Yamagata Dashi

I first heard about Yamagata Dashi about ten years ago when I was in Tokyo. Originally, it was a convenient dish that spread throughout the rural areas of Yamagata Prefecture during the busy summer farming season, but now you can find pre-made versions in Tokyo supermarkets, and it has become a staple summer menu item across Japan.

Although it is called "dashi," it is different from the traditional Japanese broth made from bonito or kelp. In Japanese cuisine, ingredients like green onions, ginger, shiso, and wasabi that add aroma and flavour accents are called "yakumi," and Yamagata Dashi is the culmination of these yakumi.

Finely chopped vegetables and yakumi are mixed together, and their fragrant taste is enjoyed simply with rice, udon, soba, tofu, and other dishes for a refreshing meal. There are various theories about the origin of the name "dashi," but the one that makes the most sense to me is that it enhances other ingredients like traditional dashi broth.

The basic recipe for Yamagata Dashi usually includes aubergine and cucumber, but it varies from household to household. This time, I will introduce my recipe for Yamagata Dashi served with somen noodles, which I make in the UK. Since shiso is hard to find in the UK, I substitute it with basil, which belongs to the same family. Please enjoy it chilled on a hot summer day!

Yamagata Dashi

Ingredients for Yamagata Dashi (serves 2)

Aubergine   100g

Cucumber   100g

Okra   100g 8

Spring onion   30g

Ginger    15g

Basil    5 leaves

Sesame seeds   2tbsp

Kombu seaweed   5x2cm size sheet (cut into thin strips or powder)

Katsuo bushi   2g

Nori seaweed   to garnish

Wasabi    to your liking


Ingredients for Dressing

Soy sauce   3tbsp

Mirin    2tsp

Rice vinegar   1/2tbsp

Sugar   1tsp

Ingredients for Tsuyu

Kombu seaweed   2g

Katsuo bushi   5g

Water   180ml

Soy sauce   2tbsp

Mirin   2tbsp

Somen noodle   2 bundles

  1. Remove the thorns from the okra by rolling them with salt on a chopping board. Blanch them in boiling water, then transfer to icy water while they still retain their crunchiness.

  2. Finely dice the aubergine and soak in water for 3 minutes to remove the bitterness. Drain, then mix with 1 teaspoon of the dressing. Discard the diluted dressing. This process helps the aubergine stay fresh without becoming too watery.

  3. Roast the sesame seeds and freshly grind them. Combine the ingredients for Yamagata Dashi with the dressing. Refrigerate the mixture for about 1 hour.

  4. Meanwhile, prepare the Tsuyu. Pour 180ml of water into a saucepan and soak the kombu for 30 minutes.

  5. Start simmering over medium heat to extract the umami from the kombu. Remove the kombu just before it boils. Add soy sauce and mirin, and turn off the heat when it starts to boil. Add katsuobushi and let it cool to room temperature.

  6. Strain the Tsuyu through a fine sieve and discard the katsuobushi. Chill in the fridge until serving.

  7. Boil the somen noodles and rinse them well with cold water to remove any sliminess. Drain the noodles and serve with chilled Yamagata Dashi and Tsuyu, with nori and wasabi on the side.  

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