“タイ風 牛肉のサラダ”
This is a recipe my colleague Poi from Thailand taught me when I became so hooked on the freshness of lemongrass and I even wanted to eat it as it is. The soft root part of the lemongrass is thinly sliced and combined with other aromatic vegetables which are full of character. The pungency of the salad is so pleasant and perfect for summer.
Ingredients (serves 4)
Lean beef sirloin steak 800g (remove fat and sinew)
Lemongrass 1 bunch (slice the soft root parts into 1mm thickness)
Coriander 1 bunch (cut into bite size)
Fresh red chilli 1/3 of 1 pepper or desired amount (chop into thin slices)
Cherry tomato 8 (cut into wedges and deseed)
Red onion 1/2 (cut into thin slices)
Peanut 15g (chop coarsely)
Lime 1 (cut into wedges)
For the dressing
Fish sauce 2 tbsp
Sugar 1 tsp
White wine vinegar 1 tbsp
Garlic 2 clove (chop finely)
Salt to taste
Prepare the beef steak. Bring the meat back to room temperature, pat it dry with kitchen towels and season both sides with salt and pepper. Heat the oil in a pan until slight smoke appears. Fry the steak over high heat and flip over when the bottom side is browned. To finish as medium rare, take the meat off from the heat when the core temperature reaches 52C, then leave it to rest at room temperature for about 20 minutes. (If you are using thick cut, continue cooking in the oven at 180C after searing both sides until the core temperature reaches the desired degree. Flip the meat over and check the temperature every 3 minutes.)
Mix all the ingredients for the dressing.
After the meat is rested, cut into 5mm thick slices.
Combine the meat, dressing and other ingredients together and serve while the vegetables are still crispy. Squeeze the lime over the dish before you enjoy it.
“タイ風 牛肉のサラダ”
材料 4人分
赤身牛ステーキ肉 800g(脂肪、筋は取り除く)
レモングラス 1束(根元部分を1mm厚程に輪切)
コリアンダー 1束(食べやすい大きさに刻む)
赤唐辛子 1/3本(輪切り、量はお好みで)
プチトマト 8個(ウェッジ型に切り、タネを除く)
赤玉ねぎ 半分(薄くスライスする)
ピーナッツ 15g(小さく刻む)
ライム 1個(ウェッジ型に切る)
ナンプラー 大さじ2
砂糖 小さじ2
お酢 大さじ1
ニンニク 2片(みじん切り)
塩 一つまみ
ステーキを用意する。肉は常温に戻し、表面の水分を拭き取り、塩コショウをする。フライパンに油を引き、うっすらと煙が出るまで油を熱する。ステーキを強火のまま一気に焼く、焼き色がついたらひっくり返す。 ミディアムレアに仕上げるには、内部の温度が52度に達したら火から下ろし、室温で約20分休ませる。(厚みのあるお肉の場合は、表面に焼き色がついた後、180度のオーブンで目標の内部温度まで加熱する。3分おきにひっくり返して肉用温度計で確認する。)