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Meiko Nakayama

recipes / food / London / ロンドン / 料理



Leeks vinaigrette

Budget-friendly all-rounder leeks are very popular and there are so many recipes especially here in the UK, but the classic vinaigrette is by far my favourite leek recipe. Just boil and marinate, all the work is done by resting in the fridge. It is very straightforward and perfect for appreciating the charm of leeks which will reach its peak as winter approaches.

This time, the leeks are accompanied by a poached egg but it’s also great on its own, or you can replace it with the sprinkles of finely chopped boiled egg, herbs, capers and anchovy.

Find out more leek recipes.

Ingredients (serves 2)

Leek 2

Egg 2 (if serving with poached eggs)

Ingredients for the vinaigrette

Olive oil 3 tbsp

White wine vinegar 2 tbsp

Sugar ½ tsp

Salt and pepper to taste

  1. Remove the tough outer layer and trim the green parts and root end of the leeks, cut to the size that can fit into the pot. Wash thoroughly as dirt is often trapped in the cut sections. Boil the leeks in boiling water for about 15 minutes until they are very tender. Once boiled, pat them dry with kitchen papers and cut them in half, lengthwise.

  2. Mix the ingredients of the vinaigrette in a tupperware container and soak the leeks. Let them marinate in the fridge for about 2 hours and they are ready to eat.

  3. They are nice on their own or serve with poached eggs or any other accompaniments you like.





材料 2人分

ポロネギ 2本

卵 2 (ポーチドエッグを添える場合)

材料 ヴィネグレット用

オリーブオイル 大さじ3

白ワインヴィネガー 大さじ2

砂糖 小さじ半

塩コショウ 少々

  1. リークは硬い外側の層を剥がし、緑の葉と根元は切り落とし、鍋に入る長さに切ります。切り口にも土が入り込んでいるので、水で良く洗い流します。沸騰したお湯にリークを入れ、柔らかくなるまで茹でます。茹で上がったらキッチンペーパーで水気をふき取り、縦半分に切ります。

  2. タッパーの中でヴィネグレットの材料を混ぜ合わせ、リークをつけます。冷蔵庫で2時間程つければ出来上がり。

  3. そのままでも良いですし、ポーチドエッグやお好みの付け合せと一緒にどうぞ。

Leeks vinaigrette


The chilly breeze makes me a little melancholic about the summer's end but soon after I glance a shopfront brightened up with pumpkins and mushrooms, I change my mind. I start to miss the richness of cheese and butter that I have almost forgotten about during the summer.

A classic autumnal dish matching colourful pumpkin gnocchi with sage butter sauteed Chanterelles with generous sprinkle of parmesan cheese.





Cod cheek and Cannellini beans dressed with Gremolata

Mild taste and creamy texture of Cannellini beans are enjoyed in various dishes such as hearty soups like Minestrone or mushed to produce dip or puree.

I will introduce the basic method of boiling dried beans in this recipe. The boiled beans will be good for salads, and also a great accompaniment to meat like chicken, duck and pork or white fish. I served with cod cheeks that were luckily sold at my regular fishmonger today and dressed them simply with Gremolata; made of chopped lemon, parsley and garlic.

Ingredients (serves 2)

Dried cannellini beans 100g (cover the beans with plenty of water and soak overnight)

Water for cooking 500ml

Garlic 3 cloves (peeled and slightly smashed)

Bay leaf 3 leaves

Sage leaf 2 leaves

Carrot 10g

Celery 10g

Olive oil ½ tbsp

Fillet of white fish in season 2 fillets

Ingredients for Gremolata

Garlic 1 clove (chop finely)

Parsley 5g (dry chop finely)

Lemon a half (zest and juice to taste)

Olive oil 2½ tbsp or more to taste

  1. Place the beans soaked overnight in a pot, cover with 500ml of water, garlic, bay leaves, sage, carrot, celery and olive oil. Bring to a boil and skim the foam when it appears on the surface. Reduce to a simmer and cover for about one and a half hours, add water just to cover the beans if too much liquid has evaporated.

  2. While cooking the beans, combine the ingredients of Gremolata in a bowl and reserve some of the zest for garnishing later on. Stir in lemon juice and salt to taste.

  3. Once the beans are thoroughly tender (but not until they become mushy!), discard the other ingredients except for the beans. Add a pinch of salt and turn up the heat to let the beans absorb the liquid. Stirring occasionally without smashing them until the liquid is reduced to a silky consistency.

  4. Combine with the gremolata, and let it sit for 30mins for flavours to blend together.

  5. Meanwhile, pat dry the fish fillets and season with salt and finely ground pepper just before frying to retain the moisture. Pan fry with olive oil over a medium heat. Serve with the beans and grate lemon zest over the dish.

I also recommend serving this dish as a salad after chilling the combined beans and fish in the fridge for one hour, all of the flavours blend very well together.




材料 2人分

乾燥カネリニビーンズ 100g (たっぷりの水に浸けて一晩置く)

水、調理用 500ml

にんにく 3 片 (皮を剥き少し潰す)

ローリエの葉 3枚

セージの葉 2枚

人参 10g

セロリ 10g

オリーブ油 大さじ半

旬の白身魚 2 切れ

材料 グレモラタ用

にんにく 1片 (細かく刻む)

パセリ 5g (細かく刻む)

レモン 半分 (皮と絞り汁)

オリーブ油 大さじ2半 (量はお好みで調整)

  1. 鍋に豆、水500ml、にんにく、ローリエ、セージ、人参、セロリ、オリーブ油を加える。沸騰させて水面に浮いてくるアクを取り除く。弱火にし蓋をして1時間半ほど加熱する。水分がなくなってしまったら、豆が浸るくらいまで水を注ぐ。

  2. 豆を茹でている間にグレモラタの材料をボールの中で合わせる。レモンの皮は最後の盛り付け用に少し取っておく。レモン汁と塩を加えて味を整える。

  3. 豆が芯まで柔らかくなったら(煮崩れする前に!)、豆以外の材料を取り除く。塩ひとつまみを加え、火を強火にして豆に煮汁を吸わせる。豆を潰さない様に時々混ぜて、水分がトロッとしてくるまで煮詰める。

  4. グレモラタと豆を合わせて、味がなじむ様に30分置く。

  5. その間に魚の表面の水気を拭き取り、焼く直前に塩、白胡椒をふる。フライパンにオリーブ油を引き中火で焼く。豆と一緒に皿に盛り付けて、仕上げに上からレモンの皮を削る。


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