Jun 15, 2020
Pollo patata asado - Spanish pot roast chicken
“お鍋でつくる鳥とじゃがいものロースト” This is a recipe from my Spanish friend’s mother Isabel. Chicken will be crispened up in sizzling butter then...
Apr 3, 2020
Torrijas - Spanish style French toast
“スペイン風のフレンチトースト” Spanish style French toast made using dried bread during the holy week before Easter. Firstly, soak the bread in the...
Mar 31, 2020
Green beans and roasted almond salad with anchovy mustard dressing
“インゲンとローストアーモンドのサラダ、アンチョビ マスタード ドレッシング” Green beans are lightly boiled to maintain the fresh flavour, they are then combined with roasted...